Thursday, April 12, 2012

Birds Do It

It seems to be Finch Spring this year around my neighborhood.  Last week I mentioned the Pine Siskins who have been all over the feeders, and the familiar House Finch couple who have been handing out.  They're always together.  But this week, a new visitor showed up, wearing his bright spring time colors.  The American Goldfinch is the state bird of Washington (and a couple of other states, I believe).  I think his little black crown makes him look like Moe from the Three Stooges.

And then:

I've never watched, let along captured mating behavior in my front yard before.  These two House Sparrows are definitely working on love, though.

Next comes nesting. This photo, taken just after the courtship, shows the male Sparrow starting to gather nest materials.  He didn't seem to be too sure what to do with them though.  

Since we had House Sparrows nests nearby last year, and several fledglings at the feeders, its very likely he's doing to be building soon.

And finally, after all that excitement, it's time to eat.


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