Product Review Policy

Birdland West reviews products related to birdwatching, photography and wildlife observation.  We are sometimes sent products by companies for review.  We do not, however, accept any remuneration in return for reviews, and the opinions expressed are solely those of the author.  Though we cannot return products sent to us for review, we do offer a quick turn around on reviews, based on the time it takes to field test different products.

Because I have a passionate interest in birding, wildlife, photography and related subjects -- and because I am most definitely not an expert in any of the subjects -- I am in a good position to test and evaluate products for the average enthusiast.  As often as I can I will be offering my experiences of new and existing products here so my readers can benefit.  The links below will take you to articles that deal with products and services that might be of interest.  Sometimes I find these products on my own and sometimes they are sent to me by companies asking for review.  As a matter of temperament, I prefer to spend my time and energy focusing on things that I like and that add value to my endeavors, so you will notice that positive reviews far outweigh negative. I'd rather spend most of my time on what works.   Either way, of course, the opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Adventures with Birdfeeders
The Canon Rebel and the Zen of Bird Watching

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